and Online Auction House

Estate Sales


Timothy Loughmiller Estate Sales and Online Auction House provides the GTHA with the most comprehensive estate sales and auction services available, for the most affordable prices.​​


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Timothy Loughmiller
Estate Sales and Online Auction House
Toronto, Ontario
(Timothy Loughmiller Estate Sales and Online Auction House is an independent, Canadian-owned, non-franchised service)

Our large auction sale of the contents of a downtown Toronto estate featuring quality antique and contemporary furnishings, art glass and art pottery, Sterling Silver, jewelry, Persian carpet, antique painted furniture, antique library cabinet, tiger oak dressers, chairs, tables, lighting, vintage cameras and photographic equipment, original artwork, porcelain, crystal, silverplate serving pieces, collectibles and much more is closed.

Pickup Sunday, February 9, 9am-3pm.

On Saturday, March 11th and on Sunday, March 12th, our client will be selling the entire contents of a Toronto area home.

This sale will include furniture, antiques, collectibles, artwork, carpets, china, linens, crystal, books, electronics, and much more.

Furniture to include living room sofas, chairs, tables and more, plus dining room tables with six chairs and matching buffet. Bedroom furniture to include dressers, nightstands, bed frames and beds and more.

Other furniture to include family room sofa, chairs, tables, and more.

Collectibles to include crockery, carnival glass, figurines, clocks and more.

Other items to include books, ephemera, LCD TV, DVD player, modular stereo, draperies, mens and ladies clothing, tools, wheelchair, Christmas decorations, and much more.

We are just beginning to prepare this sale.

​Please check back for additional details and photos.

Location and hours to be published on Thursday, March 9th.


Please Check Back For Photos & Information

New Estate Auction Coming Soon! 

Fabulous February Auction

This Sale Has Closed